Hiking is a great example of an accessible and affordable activity that can be adapted to different fitness levels. Perhaps this is why hiking is growing in popularity in 2025. According to one survey, nearly one quarter of Brits would describe themselves as hikers, which is up from 16% in 2019.
Thru hiking takes an already incredible activity and makes it that little bit more challenging. The “thru” stands for through, and it’s this little bit of extra planning and effort that makes it so appealing. You need to plan your route, set daily walking targets, and carry everything you need on your back.
With thru hiking, you can travel further and double down on incredible experiences. It’s not without its challenges. If you’ve ever woken up feeling exhausted from a single day hike, chances are the last thing you would want to do is pack up and do it all again. And yet this is precisely the appeal of thru hiking.

Thru hiking will test your endurance and mental toughness in unexpected ways. So how can something as simple as hemp gels improve this activity? While it can’t make the distances shorter or your backpack any lighter, it can help to keep you in peak condition while you face these challenges.
We’ve explored the benefits of CBD for trekking in the past, so now let’s explore the benefits of CBD for thru hiking in more detail.
Unique Challenges of the Thru Hike
A thru hike could take place over a long weekend or an entire fortnight. You might travel 50 miles or you might travel 500 miles.
Famous thru hiking trails include the Pacific Crest Trail, made famous by Cheryl Strayed’s novel, Wild. You may know this as the Reese Witherspoon film of the same title.

You don’t have to be setting out on this 2,650 mile trail to experience the thrill of thru hiking. Because it doesn’t matter how long your thru hike is, the challenges are universal:
- Blisters
- Back ache
- Joint pain
- Muscle cramps
- Poor sleep
The right hiking shoes and socks will take care of the first item on this list. Travelling light will take care of the second. And the right CBD product can take care of the final three.
In short, a successful thru hike is really all about ensuring you have the right equipment and nothing more. Excessive weight in your backpack will only hold you back, which is why we recommend taking multi-tasking items like our CBD gels for pain relief, mobility and recovery.
HEMPE’s parent company, Healthcare International Research (HIR) commissioned a study into the potential benefits of CBD gels for thru hiking. They teamed up with Harry Rule, a qualified independent researcher and avid hiker. Rule enlisted the help of Tom Boerman, an ultra-endurance athlete currently in the middle of a challenge to walk across all seven continents.
Both Rule and Boerman utilised HEMPE Hot and Ice Gels during a 14-day thru hike across the Western Taurus Mountains in Turkey.
Having never used hemp gels in this context before, HIR hypothesised that the pair would be sensitive to the effects of the gels and would be able to provide expert insight. They were asked to record field notes on their experience and we’ve included the core findings throughout.
Using CBD for Thru Hiking
CBD is widely considered to be a safe and effective supplement for use in high intensity physical activities such as thru hiking. It’s available in many forms, but the one most effective for thru hiking is a CBD pain relief gel.
These gels are formulated without ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, which means they are safe and effective, even for those with sensitivities to certain pharmaceutical ingredients.
For a CBD pain relief gel to be effective for thru hikers, it needs to be fast, powerful and deliver instant results. The use of cooling and heating ingredients ensures instant relief.
Moving away from oral pain relief is essential during a thru hike. You typically don’t want to take medication like ibuprofen and paracetamol on an empty stomach due to the risks associated with stomach ulcers. Thru hiking requires careful consideration of meal time planning, so you might feel restricted in when you can take pain relief.
This can lead some hikers to take pain medication in anticipation of pain, simply because they see a window to do so safely. This is ineffective and could lead you to take more medication than required. Doctors will generally advise against long-term and routine use of pain medication without close supervision.
By switching to all-natural methods for pain management, thru hikers can enjoy improved sleep, better mobility, effective management for cramps and a more holistic approach to self-care while on a long-distance trek.
CBD Gels for Sustained Energy Levels
With the help of CBD, you can be well-rested and ready for another day of hiking without worrying about things like cramping, sore knees and sore ankles. Our lightweight, thru hiking friendly formulation allows you to enjoy the benefits of hot and ice therapy on-the-go. Rule and Boerman reported a shorter timeframe for recovery when they added HEMPE Hot & Ice Gels into their hiking routine.
The HEMPE Ice Gel is the perfect addition to a massage and stretching routine before bed, helping to cool down overactive muscles and minimise discomfort for a restful night. For the best results, our research team found it is best applied within one hour of finishing a strenuous workout. And then in the morning, the Hot gel will warm up muscles and minimise joint pain so you can get started with a spring in your step.
Any twinges and persistent pains can be addressed on the go with the use of either the HEMPE Ice Gel or Hot Gel. The former delivers an instant cooling sensation that helps to slow blood flow to the area, reducing inflammation and tackling the associated pain at the same time. The latter helps to gently warm the area, which can help to boost blood flow and increase mobility.
Our CBD gels are not designed to purely mask the pain; they actively work with your body’s natural mechanisms to kick-start the healing process.
CBD Pain Relief Muscle Gels for Improved Rest
Another way that CBD gels can help to improve your thru hike experience is by encouraging improved rest. Sleeping in a new spot every night can be challenging, and painful limbs will only make this more difficult. Cramping is also a common complaint during thru hiking that might impact sleep quality.

In order for your brain to wind down, your body needs to be at ease. A proper cool down routine at the end of a long day of hiking can help with this. Massage, stretching and the use of HEMPE Ice Gel can help to relieve aches and pains while encouraging the body to heal naturally.
Reducing aches and pains will help to ease the body into a restful night’s sleep, which is the best way to promote healing. Both Rule and Boerman found they enjoyed benefits such as relaxed muscles and less tension in their joints after applying HEMPE Ice Gel as part of their post-exercise routine.
Adding HEMPE Hot & Ice Gels to Your Day Pack
Packing light is essential for a successful thru hike. There’s no shortage of online guides outlining what you should and shouldn’t take on a thru hike. By keeping your pack size to a minimum, you can reduce the risk of back pain associated with a heavy pack. You can also improve hiking speeds by ensuring a large pack isn’t holding you back.
Thankfully, HEMPE Hot Muscle Gel & HEMPE Ice Muscle Gel are available in different sizes based on requirements. If you really want to pack light, our 10ml Travel Sachets offer the perfect disposable option on the go. Otherwise, the travel-friendly 50ml tubes are the ideal addition to your thru hiking kit.
Adding CBD pain relief gel to your thru hiking routine will help you to develop healthy self-care habits.
These products encourage stretching and massage, which are two essential components of muscle pain relief and recovery. It can also help minimise joint discomfort while promoting healthy healing. These products will also allow you to enjoy the benefits of hot and cold therapy, without having to seek out a sauna or an ice plunge.
To optimise the use of these hemp gels, it’s recommended to start the day with the HEMPE Hot Gel applied between 30-45 minutes before exercise. This helps to prepare the muscles for exertion and helps to prevent stiffness and fatigue.
The gels can then be applied 3-4 times throughout the day as required. The Hot Gel, in particular, was found to offer rapid and lasting relief from cramps. Post exercise, it’s recommended to apply the Ice Gel within one hour of completing the exercise for the day.
How HEMPE Delivers Improvements on Popular Muscles Gels
Hot muscle gels and cold muscle gels are hardly a new invention, so why should the avid thru hiker consider HEMPE products over household names? HEMPE delivers innovation for a number of reasons:
An improved formulation makes it easy to apply on-the-go. Many conventional muscle gels are thick, petroleum-based formulas that feel greasy after application. Our muscle gels are lightweight and easy to apply, which means far less mess.
An improved scent means that you don’t have to live with the characteristic smell associated with many hot muscle gels and cold muscle gels. These are often described as medicinal and may trigger respiratory discomfort in some people.
Capsaicin creams contain the hot compound found in the chilli plant. When applied to the skin, this depletes the body’s supply of substance P, which sends pain signals to the pain. This merely blocks the pain signal, rather than addressing the cause of the pain.
Our products contain natural ingredients that work with the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Clove, menthol and eucalyptus deliver a satisfying warming sensation that helps to boost blood flow to the area, which helps to promote good inflammation to start the healing process.
With our cold muscle gel, the combination of menthol, mint, pine and laurel delivers a cooling effect that eases pain while actively fighting inflammation using natural methods.

Inflammation can be a good thing for healing, but it can also be highly ineffective and lead to excessive pain without benefit. The ability to take control of inflammation is highly effective for recovery and reducing fatigue.
Final Thoughts on CBD for Thru Hiking
When you’re ready to take your day hikes to the next level, thru hiking is a natural progression. Whether you set out on your own or follow a guided tour, you want to be able to maximise your progress every single day to avoid falling behind.
Investing in the right equipment and ensuring that you travel light is a great place to start, but you also need to consider your self-care routines.
Taking a holistic approach to joint and muscle health will ensure you are ready for new challenges every day.
Minimising pain and discomfort will not only help you to hike without discomfort, but it will also ensure you enjoy restorative sleep every night – even when you’re in unfamiliar surroundings.
If you’re ready to transform your thru hiking experience, consider adding HEMPE Hot and Ice CBD Gels to your packing list. These lightweight solutions will upgrade your self care routine and ensure you can put your best foot forward on every hike.