How to Choose CBD Gel for Muscle and Joint Pain Relief

Muscle and joint pain can originate from a wide range of issues, including overuse, injury, medications, medical conditions and autoimmune disease. Whatever the underlying cause of the pain, finding relief from the discomfort is likely to be high on your list of priorities.

While anti-inflammatory medication might offer short-term relief, this isn’t a viable long-term solution. Rather than deal with the limited relief and potential side effects that might be brought on by overuse of painkillers like Ibuprofen, a holistic approach might deliver preferable results.

With muscle and joint pain, there is the risk that the individual will immobilise the affected area and this could lead to stiffness of the joint or muscle due to the inflammatory response. 

To avoid this, it’s essential to keep the affected area mobile. Yet the only way to achieve this without oral medications is through topical application of muscle gels intended to address pain. This is where CBD pain relief gels can provide targeted relief from discomfort and support a holistic approach to healing sore muscles and joints. 

Understanding CBD Gels

Finding a drug-free solution for muscle and joint pain is essential if you are experiencing this issue on a regular basis. While over the counter pain relief might be suitable for short-term relief, it won’t be a suitable solution in the long-term.

Long-term relief will commonly involve identifying the source of the pain and adjusting behaviour or activity based on this information. For example, if you have knee pain because of overpronation, you could add arch support insoles to your shoes to help correct this alignment and stop the pain.

You can also find drug-free solutions that deliver relief from pain that can be applied topically. This is where CBD gels come in handy. CBD gels are topical products applied directly to the affected area.

CBD gels are commonly combined with essential oils and active botanicals to enhance the effects. CBD is linked to pain relief as it is thought to help support the endocannabinoid system. This is a complex system present in all living things that helps to maintain a state of homeostasis, or cellular balance.

CBD gels can be applied directly to the affected area and reapplied throughout the day. With oral CBD products, you would need to be mindful about the total amount of CBD you have taken throughout the day, but this isn’t a concern with CBD gels.

What's the Difference Between Hemp Gels and CBD Gels?

When choosing a drug-free solution to your joint or muscle pain, you’ll face a lot of options. Holistic solutions for joint and muscle pain are wide and varied. They include options such as epsom bath salts, herb-infused oil rubs and capsules such as turmeric and other natural ingredients.

When exploring CBD options, you’ll face a similarly varied range. A common stumbling block when choosing CBD pain relief gels is to be caught out by the distinction between hemp and CBD. While they might derive from the same plant, the two compounds are very different.

Hemp does not contain the active compounds called cannabinoids. These are the clever little molecules that can penetrate the skin surface and support the endocannabinoid system.

Hemp oil is commonly advertised with CBD terminology as it is much cheaper to produce and can catch out an inexperienced buyer. This is why it is essential to confirm the contents of any CBD gel before purchasing to make sure you enjoy the maximum benefits.

HEMPE Hot and Ice Gels

If you’re ready to welcome pain-free movement into your life, you need to add HEMPE Hot and Ice Gels into your daily routine. These gels were designed around the principles of hot and cold therapy for pain relief.

Cycling between application of hot and cold compresses to a painful area is a common treatment method for muscle pain and joint pain. While heat helps to dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow and trigger natural healing processes, cold can help to constrict blood vessels which reduces blood flow and helps to inhibit pain sensations.

The HEMPE Hot Gel contains warming ingredients including clove oil, menthol and eucalyptus. These combine to create a gentle warming effect that will ease stiff joints and muscles. This can help you to keep the area mobile and avoid the area becoming stiff as you heal.

To contrast this, the HEMPE Ice Gel contains cooling ingredients including mint, pine, menthol and laurel. Once rubbed into the skin, this triggers a cooling sensation that helps to inhibit pain signals and reduce inflammation in the affected area.

Choosing the Right CBD Gel

Not all CBD products are created equal, so it’s important to be a little picky when it comes to choosing the right products for your needs. Choosing CBD grown in organic conditions is important as it means you can avoid the risk of contamination from heavy metals and pesticides.

The most reputable CBD companies take the purity of their products very seriously. To this end, they will invest heavily in third party lab testing to confirm that the CBD content is as high as advertised, and that the THC is low enough to be legal. This kind of testing can also help to confirm there are no potentially hazardous chemicals left behind in the product.

Before purchasing a CBD product, always confirm the contents by checking the certificate of analysis. If one cannot be provided, there is no way to confirm the safety of the product.

You should also confirm the other ingredients found in your chosen CBD gel. Many will often contain alcohol, as this is an effective carrier product which can be rubbed into the skin and then it will evaporate to leave the active ingredients behind.

A simple way to confirm if a product could be right for you is to look for user testimonials. Search for keywords that will indicate that users have faced similar problems and have then found relief using the product.

Application Tips and Best Practices

Proper application is essential to enjoying the full benefit of CBD gels. How and when you apply the products will have a huge impact on how effective they can be.

Timing is essential to help enhance the benefits. If you suffer from stiff joints and muscles in the morning, you could start the day by applying a hot muscle gel right after your shower. Rub a thin layer of gel into the affected area and allow it to dry before dressing. This will help to warm up affected joints and tight muscles and reduce stiffness before the day ahead.

At the end of the day, you might have aching joints and tired muscles that are feeling the effects of a day of overuse. This is when a cold muscle gel can really shine. The cooling effects will provide similar effects to an ice bath, which can reduce inflammation and kick start the healing process.

You can apply HEMPE CBD gels between three and four times per day, which can allow you to enjoy timely relief to help prevent discomfort. Applying CBD gel is also a very mindful task that will encourage you to take a moment to stop and pause throughout the day. 

Final Thoughts on CBD Pain Relief Gels

We all dream of a pain-free life, but sometimes pain can be a useful indicator that something is amiss and needs to be addressed. If your joint and muscle pain is the result of nothing more than overuse, then the next struggle is to find a drug-free solution for the pain and inflammation that will enable you to keep the affected area mobile and get on with your life.

CBD pain relief gels offer a holistic solution for muscle and joint pain that will fit seamlessly into your daily routine and supplement your natural bodily processes for healing and recovery. CBD is a relatively new ingredient in wellness circles, and we’re still learning about the full potential of this botanical.

What we do know is that topical CBD use is very safe, and anecdotal evidence from our customers indicates that these products are highly effective for addressing joint and muscle pain. 

Still on the fence about this treatment option? You can try a sample size - Hot or Cold - before committing to a full-size product, so you can decide if this route is effective for your needs.

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